Pastoral Council Chair: Debbie Blackburn, (804) 815-3737
Finance Council Chair: Pat Morse, (434) 589-4106
Liturgy & Worship
Director of Music: Denny Barbario, (434) 981-0678
Ladies Auxiliary: Danielle Murphy, (703) 969-2123
Refreshment Committee: Pat Morse, (434) 589-4106
Ushers: Marvin Jackson, Carroll Morse, (434) 589-4106
Lectors: Jo Hardy, (434) 989-2609
Extraordinary Ministers: Danielle Murphy (703) 969-2123
Altar Servers: Melissa Kenny, (434) 589-3416
Formation & Education
CCD: Celeste Shapiola, (434) 981-1405
Prison Ministry: Will Kulick, (540) 308-5152
Knights of Columbus
Roundtable Chairman: Denny Barbario, (434) 981-0678
Lectors are trained to do the announcements, readings, or Prayers of the Faithful during Holy Mass. If you are interested in becoming a lector, you must first attend training. Lectors are then placed on a rotating schedule. Please see Jo Hardy after Mass for more information.
If you have received First Holy Communion, you are eligible to become an Altar Server. You must attend training in order to serve. Please see Melissa Kenney after Mass for more information. Click here for the Altar Server Schedule.
Eucharistic Ministers assist with presenting the Precious Blood during Holy Mass as needed. You must attend training in order to serve as a Eucharistic Minister. Please see Danielle Murphy after Mass for more information.
The Knights of Columbus is open to any Catholic male parishioners over the age of 18. The Knight have their Round Table monthly meetings on the first Thursday of the month in the parish hall. They gather at 6pm with a pot luck dinner hosted by the Ladies Auxiliary, and the Knights meeting begins afterwards at 7pm. If you are interested in joining the Knights of Columbus, please see Denny Barbario or Barry Neumann after Mass. See the Parish Events calendar for the next meeting date.
The Ladies Auxiliary is open to any Catholic female parishioners over the age of 18. They meet on the first Thursday of the month in the parish hall. The ladies gather around 5:45pm to prepare and serve a pot luck dinner for auxiliary members and Knights of Columbus members. Feel free to bring a dish or non-alcoholic beverage to share. They meet right after dinner at 7pm to talk about our current and future projects. Meetings last one hour and the ladies definitely have fun. If you are interested in joining the Ladies Auxiliary, please see Jennifer Lyons after Mass, or just come to our next meeting! See the Parish Events calendar for the next meeting date.
If you are interested in visiting our local prison and joining the prison ministry, please see Will Kulick after Mass.