Calendar of Events
140th Anniversary
Each month from March 2023 – March 2024, we are hosting a series of events exploring the history and people of Saint Joseph/Shrine of Saint Katharine Drexel during the past 140 years. Come join us!

Upcoming Events
Commemoration of Saint Katharine Drexel Canonization
Learn about the miracles that helped lead to Katharine Drexel’s canonization, plus hear parishioner Barbara Jackson recount her trip to the canonization Mass in Rome!
Emphasis: History, Saint
Themes: Faith
10:30 AM - 11:30AM
Children’s Art Contest
,Find out the winners of our children’s art contest, “St. Joseph through the Ages,” commemorating people or events in our 140 years of history.
Emphasis: History
Themes: Faith
10:30 AM - 11:30AM
Walk to Camp Wakeham
We are visiting the Camp Wakeham cemetery to pray for the souls of the faithful departed during this Octave of All Souls. Wear a comfortable pair of shoes and join us as we pray the rosary for the Wakeham family and friends who founded St. Joseph.
Emphasis: Prayer
Themes: Faith
10:30AM - 11:30AM
Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass & Dinner
The mission of Saint Joseph has always been bring the Eucharist to all peoples and communities. In thanksgiving for our marvelous Hispanic community at Saint Joseph, we join with them this month for their annual Our Lady of Guadalupe celebration. She is Patroness of the Americas and Star of the New Evangelization. Come for the rosary prior to Mass at 5pm, followed by traditional foods.
Emphasis: Community
Themes: Faith